Follow up

UBM  is not just about sharing the gospel for one week of mission and leaving it at that. We always aim to follow up those who express interest or profess faith. Many team members are able to keep in touch with those they have met on missions and personal correspondence becomes a key part of our follow up. However, there are several other ways we have to enable people to find out more about the Christian faith. All literature we give out has contact details and people can request Gospels or helpful CDs, leaflets and books.


postal bible club

For children we offer the Postal Bible Club:

  • It is fun and free! 

  • Anyone over the age of 5 can join 

  • There are four levels of activity sheets 

  • There are great stories and quizzes 

  • By answering the questions children can earn points and win great prizes 

  • Courses are posted monthly 

  • There is no obligation to continue 

  • The courses are marked by Christians who want to help children and young people understand the teaching of the Bible 

Application form for the Postal Bible Club

(left-click to view, right-click/Save-As to download)  

mark time.png

mark time

We also offer a free adult Bible correspondence course called MARK TIME.



We have the following evangelistic websites.        

Please fee free to link to from your local church website. We would be interested to know if you do.