Leaders’ Day
As well as talks from the Leaders’ Days (specific messages are below), you can listen to messages from the Reunion, MV Training Days and the Handling the Word seminars. Select the appropriate button to see a list of the specific messages preached from those UBM events.
To listen: click on the title. To download: right-click on the title and select ‘Save as’.
Different browsers may play files in different ways, depending on the player assigned.
Audio material from UBM is free to download, copy and pass on.
Each leaders’ training day we have a message at both the start and end of the day - but we haven’t always recorded them.
Currently the links on this page aren’t working. We will fix them soon.
2013 - UBM Leaders’ day
  1. Vision without Boundaries | David Norbury |
  2. Vision without Boundaries   | David Harding |
2009 - ubm leaders’ day: Getting Ready
  1. Ready to Serve | Carl Venn |
  2. Ready for Eternity   | David Harding |