Bournemouth | Cambridge | Canterbury | Chester | Edinburgh |
Llandudno | London Spring | London Summer | Oxford | Whitby
London (Summer)
Years UBM have operated
2014 - 2017, 2019 onwards.
The opportunities in London are vast. We aim to be involved in open air preaching, personal conversations and leaflet distribution daily in the top attractions such as Covent garden and Leicester Sqaure.
There are opportunities to preach the Gospel, give your testimony and engage in 1-1 personal evangelism. An ability to speak foreign languages or knowledge of other religions will be a help, but all that is really needed is a heart to share the gospel with those who listen.
East Street Baptist Church, 100 East Street, Walworth, London, SE17 2DQ
The males sleep in the Church and the females in the basement of the church manse, a two minute walk down the road. There are shower facilities at the church manse.
You will need to bring a sleeping bag, and something to sleep on, as well as a pillow.
On arrival please use the side entrance of the church building.